V International Scientific and Practical Conference

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On March 30-31, 2023, Kazan hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “School of Epidemiologists: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Epidemiology”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine Department of Kazan State Medical University and the 30th anniversary of the Service of Hospital Epidemiologists of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan.

National Aggregated Rating

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Kazan State Medical University continues to hold its high positions. According to the results of the National Aggregated Rating, KSMU entered the Premier League (TOP 25) and took the honorable second place among 46 medical universities of the Russian Federation and 20 universities of the Republic of Tatarstan.

International consortium

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Four universities from Russia and Kazakhstan have created an international consortium.

The international union, created on the initiative of Kazan State Medical University, includes the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Karaganda Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan), Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan).

Festival for prospective students

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 4-15, 2023, for the eleventh time in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan State Medical University is hosting a large-scale career guidance event the Festival "Angels in white coats".


Memorandum of Understanding with Semey Medical University

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On December 19, 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Kazan State Medical University and Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan).

Visit of Delegation from Uzbekistan

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

From November 29 to December 6, 2022, a delegation of Tashkent Medical Academy (TMA) (Republic of Uzbekistan) including Dean of the International Faculty of TMA D.H. Tursunov and students of the KSMU-TMA joint educational program currently studying at TMA visited Kazan State Medical University.

Open lecture

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On November 16, 2022, Kazan State Medical University hosted an open lecture by the chief researcher of the Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow), Professor Alla Borisovna Salmina on the topic: "The blood-brain barrier: how to study it and how to manage it?". The lecture was attended by students and faculty of Kazan State Medical University, medical professionals from hospitals of Kazan.

Lectures of visiting professor

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On November 14 - 24, 2022, Kazan State Medical University is hosting a series of lectures of the Chief researcher of the Scientific Center of Neurology (Moscow), Chief Researcher of the Krasnoyarsk State Medical University (Krasnoyarsk), Professor Alla Borisovna Salmina. The lectures are funded by the grant of the Government of Tatarstan “Algarysh”.

Open lectures on Healthy Longevity

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On February 8-10, 2021, Kazan State Medical University hosted another cycle of public lectures within the framework of the University of the Third Age project "Healthy longevity. Fundamentals of mutual assistance".



Q: I want to get admission in KSMU. Please, give me information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU?

A: You can find all required information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU under the Admissions tab.

Q: I am a 4th year general medicine student from Kenya in Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. I would like to know if I can transfer to KazanSMU and study the 4th year.

A: No, we cannot accept you to the 4th course. We do not accept transfer students. However, we can accept you in the first course.

Q: I am a Nigerian. I would like to study in KazanSMU. How to apply for study?

A: Please, visit our web-pages «Admissions» and then send us the filled application form and copy of your passport by e-mail . We will consider your application and reply you within 7-10 working days.

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All right reserved © 2015 Kazan State Medical University, Development by Sedelkov Dmitriy, The text is provided by Parve Swapnil
