Innopolis University International Fest

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

On March 25, 2022, students of Kazan State Medical University took part in Innopolis University International Fest.

Academic Council meeting

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

The Academic Council meeting Kazan State Medical University was held  on March 25, 2022  on the Microsoft Teams platform. The meeting was opened by the rector of the University A.S. Sozinov.

Open lectures

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Kazan State Medical University is holding  open lectures by leading scientists as part of the events dedicated to the 208th anniversary of our University. Lectures will be held in an online format on Zoom platform.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

On March 2, 2021, Kazan State Medical University and GMED Global LLС (USA) signed a cooperation agreement aimed at creating an international model of medical education in Russia.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

The number of new cases of coronavirus infection is decreasing in Tatarstan and this is the best time to get vaccinated.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

On February 26, 2021, a meeting of the Academic Council of the Kazan State Medical University was held.

Visit to KSMU

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany), Head of Visceral Surgery Department of the "Asklepios Nord" Clinic, is on a visit to KSMU.


Cooperation with Rulakom Consult

Подписано простой электронной подписью: Отдел международного сотрудничества.

Educational course of the head of the Department of visceral surgery of the Asklepios Nord clinic, Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany) on abdominal surgery for employees and students of the Kazan State Medical University was held throughout 2021 and has been successfully completed in November.Educational course of the head of the Department of visceral surgery of the Asklepios Nord clinic, Dr. Asad Kutup (Germany) on abdominal surgery for employees and students of the Kazan State Medical University was held throughout 2021 and has been successfully completed in November.


Подписано простой электронной подписью: Гатиятуллина Лилия Зуфаровна.

Scientists of the Kazan State Medical University have discovered compounds that in the future can be used to fight cancer.


Q: I want to get admission in KSMU. Please, give me information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU?

A: You can find all required information about admission procedure and fee structure to KSMU under the Admissions tab.

Q: I am a 4th year general medicine student from Kenya in Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. I would like to know if I can transfer to KazanSMU and study the 4th year.

A: No, we cannot accept you to the 4th course. We do not accept transfer students. However, we can accept you in the first course.

Q: I am a Nigerian. I would like to study in KazanSMU. How to apply for study?

A: Please, visit our web-pages «Admissions» and then send us the filled application form and copy of your passport by e-mail . We will consider your application and reply you within 7-10 working days.

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